*Excerpt from http://www.middleweb.com/
Welcome to MiddleWeb!
MiddleWeb is all about middle school & the middle grades — with a sharp focus on teaching and learning in grades 4-8.Since 1996, we’ve been providing resources for teachers, school leaders, parents and others interested in the success of young adolescents. In June of 2012, we launched a new version of our website around five streams of original content:
• Resource Roundups: We’ve always specialized in finding and sharing resources you can use. Here at our new site, we feature our growing collection of Resource Roundups — our tag for short, link-laden essays built around a theme. You’ll find everything from New Teacher 911 and the latest on the Common Core….to some secrets of great rubric-making and humor in the classroom. Edited by veteran teacher/librarian Susan B. Curtis, our roundups are regularly updated and enriched with the best resources we can find.
• Themed Blogs: We’ve recruited expert teachers and learning leaders in a variety of areas and asked them to write for us on a regular basis. Our themed blogs include: STEM Imagineering (science educator Anne Jolly on creating effective STEM lessons & programs); Two Teachers in the Room (NBCT Elizabeth Stein on co-teaching and inclusion); Future of History (middle grades History/SS teachers Aaron Brock, Shara Peters, Jody Passanisi and Sarah Cooper); Kids on the Cusp (classroom veteran Mary Tarashuk on teaching in grades 4 and 5); and Working Draft (reflections on English/Language Arts and tech integration from middle school teacher Kevin Hodgson, a.k.a. @dogtrax).
• Guest Articles: Just what you might expect: first-person articles about teaching and learning! We bring you the voices of middle grades education stars and many lesser known teachers and school leaders up on the front lines who have stories to tell and good practice to share. We also feature articles and excerpts contributed by book authors who write about important middle grades topics. (See a complete list of articles.) If you’d like to write for us, check out our writer guidelines.
• Book Reviews: MiddleWeb’s collection of reviews of professional education books is one of the largest on the Internet. We’ve tailored it specifically for educators working with grades 4-8. If you’re interested in becoming a MiddleWeb book reviewer, you can learn all the details here. Basically: we’ll share a list of what’s available and some guidelines for review writing. You pick what you’d like to read, write the review, keep the book. We publish your reviews, make you famous.
• Interviews: We’re talking with interesting people who have expertise around middle grades education — or just do great things for middle grades kids and schools. Peruse our Five Q Interviews for ideas, insights, and plain good chat. Read Larry Ferlazzo’s interview with MiddleWeb founder John Norton